Friday 4 February 2011

TV Advertising, the hardest step to take

Moving on to TV is often the hardest thing for an advertiser to do. It seems like your spending so much money (even though it's similar to the Radio campaign they would have normally booked and you haven't actually increased your budget size just moved it in to a better medium). They then worry but will people still remember me after my campaign has finished, (even though they'll reach probably five times the amount of people they've reached previously). Will my footfall go through the roof? (Even though they've spoken to other advertisers who it's worked for and they say yes).
As you've probably guessed the above are actual questions I've been dealing with recently for a new advertiser and sometimes no matter how much you hold someone’s hand and give them as much info as possible, sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.
I say leap of faith but really when you're moving on to a medium where it has proven to be the highest ROI, on average £4.50 for every £1 spent, it's not really so much a leap but a trip in the right direction.
But for some reason TV seems to be the hardest medium for taking that step to try it out. Even with all the evidence to back it up. And you would think with all the positive news surrounding the resurrection of TV (It actually never died) it would be even easier to take that step, just check out this recent article by Arif Durrani.
But thankfully the industry body representing TV advertising recently released their answers to the 10 most asked questions and it proves to be a great read. So if you're having difficulties taking that first step read these answers and see if it settles your nerves.

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